
2013年10月29日—IjustturnedontheRecyclefeatureandit'salreadyfillingupwith~xxxtempfilesfromwordandexcel.Didyouevercomeupwithasolution?,2019年6月26日—Eachtimeiopenanexcelmakechangesandsavethemitcreatesonof...tmp'or'.temp'areexcludedfromsyncing.Butyoucanaddyourown ...,2021年6月8日—Goodafternoon.LatelymydiskstationfilesarebeingrenamedasforexampleA9744AE7.tmpandIamlosingtheinformation,anyideawhatcou...

Lots of tmp files in #recycle

2013年10月29日 — I just turned on the Recycle feature and it's already filling up with ~xxx temp files from word and excel. Did you ever come up with a solution?

Synology Drive Sync keeps creating these 1D6EAD10 ...

2019年6月26日 — Each time i open an excel make changes and save them it creates on of ... tmp' or '.temp' are excluded from syncing. But you can add your own ...

file .tmp

2021年6月8日 — Good afternoon. Lately my diskstation files are being renamed as for example A9744AE7.tmp and I am losing the information, any idea what could ...

MS Excel leave TMP files in folder

2014年7月24日 — It appears to be a permissions problem, I did not give certain people delete permission on certain folders, and I think the program is unable to ...

Problem With .tmp Files While Saving MS. Excel Work

2013年7月18日 — Hi, How to remove those temp files (.tmp) automatically ? It really wasted the hard disk capacity. Moreover, I am only edited a single excel ...

Exporting a Syno Office spreadsheet to Excel fails

2021年5月2日 — Synology Drive and Office maintain a temporary working directory @tmp on the root level. This directory needs to have 777 rights and they ...

excel temporary files stays on Drive when user as no ...

2020年3月10日 — synology engineer replied : this problem happens only on users who have no delete permissions. This is expected, the temporary file will be ...

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